Walk in My Shoes (WIMS) is inviting schools to create Wellbeing Walls for our 2023 Mission Possible awards.
A Mission Possible school achievement award is a celebration of the role a school plays in promoting positive mental health.
In 2023, its seventh year, Mission Possible is getting a revamp!
This year, we’re inviting schools to create a ‘Mission Possible Wellbeing Wall’, which showcases all the wellbeing supports and initiatives running in the school and the external supports that the school is letting students know about.
Mission Possible is open to all primary and secondary, Youthreach and special schools in Ireland.
How to set up your Mission Possible Wellbeing Wall
If you are a teacher or member of school staff, you can register to receive a Mission Possible Wellbeing Wall pack for your school. This pack will contain the banner your school needs to get its Wellbeing Wall started. Just email info@walkinmyshoes.ie by Friday, 6 October to register for your pack. Please note that requests for Wellbeing Wall packs received after this date cannot be processed.
Your school’s Wellbeing Wall should be in a central location where as many students as possible will get to see it and build awareness of the different mental health projects and supports available to them.

You can decide how your school goes about creating its Wellbeing Wall – for example, maybe your school assigns a certain group of classes to be involved, or maybe there’s a Student Wellbeing Committee who’d like to take part.
The wall should include the Mission Possible banner and have at least three sections for supports available in your school, initiatives in your school, and supports available outside of your school.
We’d love to see your school get creative with its Wellbeing Wall in showcasing all the different projects, activities and supports available where students can grow their mental health awareness and promote positive wellbeing.
You can see an example of a Mission Possible Wellbeing Wall here.
How to enter the awards
Teachers and school staff can enter the awards once the Mission Possible Wellbeing Wall is created, with applications open until Monday, 6 November 2023.
All entries are submitted through our School Portal here, and must include:
- a Word document which gives information on the wellbeing initiatives in your school
- an image of your school’s Mission Possible Wellbeing Wall.
A Mission Possible application form must also be completed; you can fill in the application form here.
When the winners are announced
The winners will be announced on Monday, 20 November, with the awards in the categories below:
- Primary school
- Secondary school (including Youthreach centres)
- Special class in a primary school
- Special class in a secondary school
- Special school.
Each category winner will receive prize money of €600.
Of course, every school taking part is a winner in our eyes! We’ll be celebrating every school who enters with a certificate.