International Youth Day is being held around the world on the 12th August. It is 28 years since it was first set up by the United Nations to celebrate young peoples’ views, initiatives, and efforts in trying to make the world a better place. This year’s theme is “The...
International Youth Day is being held around the world on the 12th August.
It is 28 years since it was first set up by the United Nations to celebrate young peoples’ views, initiatives, and efforts in trying to make the world a better place. This year’s theme is “The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production”.
We know that many of the causes of poverty also impact severely on young people’s mental health.
However, if we are going to help young people out of poverty by investment in better education, housing, social policies and mental health services, governments need to ensure that these are implemented in a sustainable way that doesn’t carry its own risks.
Young people have a very important contribution to make and their views are essential in the design and introduction of new initiatives such as youth mental health services. Such an opportunity is coming up the first time in Dublin on the 24th -26th September, when the International Association for Youth Mental Health is holding its biannual conference.
This is a chance to see what is happening, meet some of the leaders, and make a contribution to the field of youth mental health.
If you want more information check out International Association for Youth Mental Health website.